Anyway, I loved the opportunity that it presented as I quietly observed the body language of the participants of this debate. From the moment they sat down and the nervous glances it was pretty clear that this wasn't going to be a pleasant gathering. By the end of it, one could have tried to cut the air with a 300hp chainsaw to no avail as the tension lingered on in the air.
Mid-way through one could already determine the two main protagonists, the one who spoke a lot and the other who whilst saying virtually nothing spoke volumes as it was obvious that he (who I will now call the "Mr. Director") was the one orchestrating the entire play - all from the sly glances, odd hand gestures and offensive seating stance. Didn't really fancy the vibe from the Blabber Mouth who did all the talking either. Within 10 minutes I grew to really dislike either men. Both gave off really bad vibes and I started to feel kinda bad for the other side.
Safe to say at this stage - I knew the group, I knew what they were doing, I knew exactly what was going on and I knew the news that was being delivered.. and I also knew that there was something odd in the equation.
The best part was this - not long after that unceremonious exchange, the news that I had already anticipated and known about for some time made its way to my ear; but not from the grieving party. I guess the grief must've / would hit later..
.. It felt kinda like a delayed reaction a spouse who has been told that their significant other has dropped the bomb that theirs was a relationship that isn't working..
..the kind of reaction that comes from the realisation that actually the statement that "it isn't you darling, it's me. I have to reconcile that with myself.. blah blah blah.." was a half truth to mask the reality that their other half was seeing someone on the side.
.. It's the kind of reaction that comes when one discovers that after the process of cordiality in getting the various separation documentation done yada yada yada.. news floats to the ears of the saddened spouse that their former-significant half got themselves hitched quicker than it took the ink to dry on the divorce papers..
Anyway, back to the story. So the news was delivered to me via Blabber Mouth who again oh so unceremoniously announces in public that the marriage was an utter failure; as the other party had demanded too much.. this, that and the other .. etcetera etcetera..
Of course, I had also noticed Mr. Director lurking about nearby.. Before Blabber Mouth could complete the first sentence I could smell the rat and it stank like crap. If it weren't for a need for a kind of decorum in public, I might have unleashed a tongue lashing for the mere fact that Blabber Mouth simply had no manners and was clearly delighted to both wash the linens in public and demonstrate his delight at rubbing salt into the wound.. Was für ein dummkopf!
The thing is.. even before the day Mr. Director and Blabber Mouth came to that meet, I already sensed and smelled the deception.. Someone was telling a lie.. the half-truths, the totally incomprehensible and totally exaggerated excuses filled with grand supercalifragilistic superlatives .. were just a bit too much.
My conscience led me to one day accidentally drop the suggestion into a random conversation with the other half of that ill-fated relationship, it was clear that it wasn't welcomed.. Hmm.. Pride? Ego?
During the couple's courtship, right from the get-go, this was a relationship I didn't completely agree with all on the basis of meeting Mr. Director and Blabber Mouth for the first time.. I couldn't trust either of them and I wasn't in a position to advise the other half. So, in true Yoda mode: endure, one must; in silence, watch, one must.
The sad part, I grew to really like some of the members of the other half's family. I can only hope the acquaintances I made with some can grow into lasting friendships.
The other sad part is that the grieving half.. who somehow doesn't seem to realise it's even grieving will be the one to get the most vicious criticisms and the unbelievable grief from highly opinionated armchair commentators, over and over again.. and not the cheating and deceptive half because Blabber Mouth directed by Mr. Director would have either created another deception with honey-coated words to blindside everyone else. I guess it's a given that even if I still love your family, I have no shred of respect for you Mr. Director or Blabber Mouth.

Der Schein trügt.
Right.. that's off my chest..